There’s even more to Morley

There’s even more to appreciate about the vibrant West Riding town of Morley now that it has embarked on the path to become a Fairtrade Town.

Councillor Neil Dawson put forward a resolution to be adopted by Morley Town Council at its meeting on 1 March 2017.

It was agreed unanimously by the Town Council that Morley would set up a steering group and become a Fairtrade Town.

Morley Town Council resolves to:

•  offer FAIRTRADE Marked food and drink options internally and make them available for Town Council events.

• Promote the FAIRTRADE Mark using Fairtrade Foundation materials in refreshment areas and promoting the Fairtrade Towns initiative in internal and communications and external newsletters

• Use influence to urge local retailers to provide Fairtrade options for residents

• Use influence to urge local business to offer Fairtrade options to their staff and promote the FAIRTRADE Mark internally

• Engage in a media campaign to publicise the Fairtrade Towns initiative

• Support the  Fairtrade Steering Group and support ongoing work to promote Fairtrade

• Support  events and publicity during national Fairtrade Fortnight – the annual national campaign to promote sales of products with the FAIRTRADE Mark.

Councillor Dawson said: “‘It is great that we are taking steps to achieve Fairtrade town status. This movement is making a huge difference to many people across the world and this will show that taking action in Morley can have an impact around the globe, and that we can influence the world trading system”.

“The strength of Fairtrade Towns is that they involve the whole community. They are not just about the council, the churches, the schools or businesses but about all these and more. Fairtrade Towns bring people together and increase understanding of how small actions add up to make a big difference to the lives of people thousands of miles away”.

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