For the past 3 years Fairtrade Rotherham have organised a Rotherham Primary Schools’ Fairtrade Poster Competition and have held a celebration evening for the prize winners, those highly commended, parents, school staff & Fairtrade Steering Committee members.
This year, some of the entries have been made up into a public art work as part of Rotherham’s ‘Gallery Town’ project. The Fairtrade posters have been collated by Rainforest Graphics ino a montage and this work is now on public display on the wall of Rotherham’s Town Centre Market. On the bottom of the art work are some words from the steering committee naming the participating schools and thanking them for helping to spread the Fairtrade message.
Posted on February 1st, 2015 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Shared Interest Society is an ethical investment organisation, using investment from people living in the UK to provide fair finance to small holder farmers and handcraft makers in 65 countries.
We are owned and controlled by 8,940 members who collectively invest over £31 million. Together we form the vital link between UK social investors and fair trade organisations needing finance to improve their livelihoods.
In 2013, our finance reached 375 fair trade organisations globally and we made payments of £46.8m to fair trade producers and buyers across the world. As one loan is repaid, these funds are lent out again to another organisation seeking fair finance.
Shared Interest have been financing Kenyan women’s handcraft producers Namayiana for six years now. The group began over 20 years ago. Most women could not read or write, but wished to use the skills they had to care for their children and the community around them. Starting with just 16 members, they have grown their membership to 112. Patterns in their beautiful, traditional beadwork tell a story about a person’s life.
Shared Interest Society is supporting them in their journey by providing much-needed finance to bring this beadwork to customers around the world. The biggest impact of their finance has been a loan which enabled the group to install electricity in the village for the whole community.
Catherine Mututua, Project Manager, said: “Maasai women face many challenges, generally brought about by lack of education. The women are proud they have their own project. They can earn a living and take care of their families.”
Investing in Shared Interest is easy. Anyone over the age of 16 with a UK bank account can open a Share Account with us for as little as £100. You can find out more about investing at:
Shared Interest relies on a network of volunteers who promote the organisation at events across the UK. If you would like to invite an ambassador to talk at a meeting, hold a Shared Interest stall, or answer any questions you might have please contact us at or call us on 0191 233 9103
Posted on February 1st, 2015 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News