As a crochet and all round crafty person I was delighted at Christmas to see the post boxes being “yarn bombed” by hand crocheted snow scenes etc. The Royal Mail were also delighted as the posted this photo on their social media.

I couldn’t help thinking how brilliant it would be if we could “yarn bomb” post boxes for Fairtrade Fortnight. It seemed like a really good way to get the mark into our communities in a safe and socially distanced way.
I’d already started writing a crochet pattern for a Fairtrade mark, but this would need something altogether bigger.

Crochet pattern for the Fairtrade mark
So I set about creating a pattern for a Fairtrade mark that would be big enough to decorate the top of a British post box. The first thing is – all post boxes are slightly different, so there’s no standard size. However, one lady who has made lots of these gave me this advice: Use two strands of DK yarn, an 8mm hook and just keep going till you reach 23″ (60cm)
So here is my pattern if you want to crochet a Fairtrade mark that’s big enough to fit on your local post box. I’ve spoken to the Fairtrade Foundation about the use of the mark and they’re content to let us do this, so please make your own, decorate your post box, take a photo and upload it to social media, or email and we’ll share your photos.

Yarnbombing Crochet pattern Fairtrade mark
I have also created two knitting patterns for the mark using Stitch Fiddle:
Go to the Fairtrade mark knitting pattern – post box size
Go to the smaller version of the knitting pattern

This fantastic embroidered “Shower Cap” is another brilliant idea for covering circular post boxes! Thanks to Barbara from the Shipley Fairtrade group for sending it in.

These are from Stockton-on-Tees

And this is one from Selby

If you’re making a hat for your post box, you might want to add a label to explain what Fairtrade Fortnight is and why Fairtrade is an important part of tackling climate change. We’ve produced two template labels with some of the key messages but these are just suggestions. Download them as a Word document and you can change and add your own ideas. The first label is designed to be folded in half and laminated so you have a double sided A5 label to attach to your post box. The second is designed to be cut into quarters so it will give you four A6 labels with slightly less information.
Label for yarnbombing projects
4 Labels for yarnbombing projects
Please send us your photos. We’d love to see and share them. Email them to
If you are going to “yarnbomb” your communities for Fairtrade Fortnight, please return after 7 March and take away the work. That way it doesn’t become untidy or turn into litter.
Here’s what Skipton Faitrtrade Initiative have been doing with the knitting pattern: