Pocklington Celebrates

In October, Pocklington celebrated the renewal of their Fairtrade Town status, a title the East Riding market town has held for 14 years.

Local supporters came together including representatives from schools, churches, community groups and local businesses. Members of the Town Council attended including the Mayor of Pocklington.

The celebration event was held at All Saints Church Pocklington and supporters enjoyed Fairtrade wine and a selection of local cheeses.

Wendy Voke spoke about the Kilombero rice challenge, which supports rice farmers in Malawi, and there was a stall of fairly traded goods from the Fairer World shop in York.

Dr Mark Dawson, of Fairtrade Yorkshire, congratulated Pocklington on its high profile support for Fairtrade through the difficult times of the pandemic and the ongoing cost of living crisis. He commented: “Fairtrade is at heart a simple concept, that people deserve fair payment for the work that they do and that everyone should be able to live and work in a safe place; in communities where they can enjoy the basic necessities of life and provide for their families.”

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