Leeds Fairtrade Fortnight events

Leeds was bursting with Fairtrade events during Fairtrade Fortnight 2019. The group connected with local schools, businesses and churches as well as the university.

1 March     Schools’ Fairtrade Celebration held at Leeds Civic Hall.  Approximately 60 children attended from 15 schools. Fabian Hamilton M.P. opened the event and the Lord Mayor closed it.

2 March  Coffee Morning at the Methodist Church Hall in Chapel Allerton. As well as cakes and coffee there was a Traidcraft stall, a Zaytoun stall, and Fair Grounds – a fairly traded jewellery company.

5 March   Fairtrade stall at Leeds University Fairtrade Fair.

7 March    Fairtrade stall at Lyons Davidson Solicitors. We were invited to have a stall in the foyer of the company.

9 March   Fairtrade stall at Cardigan Road Co-op.  In conjuction with the manager of the shop, we gave free tastings of Co-op wine and chocolate, with a display of every other Fairtrade product in the store.

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