Posts Tagged ‘fai’

Skipton’s sign of the times

Fairtrade Skipton put up a huge sign to announce Fairtrade Fortnight to the town’s many shoppers.  The banner was hung in front of Holy Trinity church which occupies an elevated position above the High Street; so it was impossible to miss.

On the horizon: Skipton's new banner

On the horizon: Skipton’s new banner

During the Fortnight Skipton’s Fairtrade group held a successful film evening at Skipton Girls’ High School.  ‘The People and the Olive’ a film about Palestinian olive growers was shown, together with the Fairtrade short movie ‘Fairtrade Matters’ which features tea growers from Malawi and how Fairtrade has helped them to improve life in their communities.

Posted on March 14th, 2015 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News